Star Colleges is an educational institution located at the Benguet province of the Philippines. Founded on April 1989 by Ambrosio B. Alawas and Dr. Annabelle Marie D. Alawas, SC is envisioned as a Christian ministry for students to perceive stars as a reminder that our Almighty father created the heavens and the earth for mankind to seek wisdom and understanding.

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.

Proverbs 9:10

The founders established Proverbs 9:10 as the official constitution to their vision for Star Colleges, presenting the bible verse as a statement for the Star Colleges community to be fearful and in awe of the holiness of our Lord. By knowing the stars or glories that God has planned for them, students graduate from Star Colleges with the stars as witnesses to their potential.

As described in 1 Corinthians 15:40-41, the Star Colleges community is driven to provide a comprehensive understanding on how celestial bodies reflect the transcendent relationship between mankind and God. To this day, the founders of Star Colleges focus on sharing protestant faith through quality Christian education that equip students to be god-fearing leaders of their communities who are reminded of their faith by watching the stars.

By being aware of celestial bodies in a spiritual perspective, Star Colleges provides quality non-denominational Christian education that builds a holistic approach of applying faith in real-life situations. Thus, the vision of SC describes a leader who excels academically in the secular or religious, Christian in character, but globally competent for existential applications.

Enable students to exemplify leadership through: Academic excellence, Christian character, and Global competence.

Star Colleges Vision

As a non-profit educational institution, quality of students was always a mission that motivates stakeholders of Star Colleges who believe that students should gain both secular and Christian education in order for them to thrive and excel in challenges that they will face as citizens of society and God. Therefore, the mission of Star Colleges is to provided skills, knowledge, and abilities that will enable and develop Starians to be responsible citizens of God who will lead and led meaningful lives and productive communities.

Provide skills, knowledge, and abilities for students to be responsible citizens of God who led meaningful lives and productive communities.

Star Colleges Mission

Guided by their Mission and Vision for more than 3o years, the Star Colleges community continues to teach and inspire students as a beacon of light that navigates them during and throughout times of tribulations and triumph.

Do you want to know more about the Star Colleges?

Please click the following hyperlinks in order to be directed to specific information of the Star Colleges Community:

History of Star Colleges.

Institutional Core Learning Values.

Organizational Structures of Star Colleges for School Year 2022-2023.

Contact Star Colleges.